The Modest Side of Plastic Surgery: A surgeons mission to reconstruct happiness.
I recently spent the evening with one of the greats in the medical field, plastic surgeon Dr. Pamela Gallagher. As an industry guru I think its important to be in the know on "non-surgical" procedures that keep us youthful in addition to cosmetics and skin care. The motive for me that evening changed when Dr. Gallagher arrived later then our scheduled time because she had a last minute emergency to visit parents who had unexpectedly given birth to a child with a cleft palate to buffer the shock. Besides being one of the best surgeons in the region she also has one of the best and biggest hearts. Click below to read my online story with Pulse magazine and you will see, in this case beauty is NOT skin deep and you will be inspired. It was my pleasure to interview and get to know Dr. Pam more deeply, what a generous pro and one very intelligent woman.
Click Below to Read:
The Modest Side of Plastic Surgery: A surgeons mission to reconstruct happiness. By Matthew Ambrosio
“It was during a surgical observation when she saw blood and thought it was such a beautiful color that she decided to be a surgeon. Who better to operate on you then a person who is not only undeterred by the sight of blood but who is inspired by it?”